Special Education

  • Dear Parents/Guardians,

    Special Education programs support the student by providing specially designed instruction and related services to students with disabilities so that they can develop the educational skills to achieve the same overall foundation for success as students in general education. As appropriate, students may also require supports and services to enhance their social/emotional well-being, social skills, executive functioning, and positive behavior. 

    Eligibility for Special Education is based on the criteria as defined in the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); a central consideration is if the student is experiencing an adverse impact on their performance that cannot be addressed through the general education program.

    Once the student is eligible for Special Education, an Individual Education Program (IEP) is developed based on the student’s needs.  The IEP includes goals and services to meet  the student’s identified areas of need.  The IEP is reviewed annually and revised as necessary.
    Most of the services can be provided for students with special needs at their local schools, however, some services and programs are only available at specific schools throughout the District and may require enrollment at a designated site.

    Parents who suspect that their child has a disability should discuss their concerns with their child’s teacher and/or principal.  If the child continues to exhibit difficulties after receiving interventions, the student may be a candidate for assessment to determine eligibility for special education services.

    Student learning and well-being are the foundation for all we do as a District. Our goal is to work in partnership with families to provide a dynamic and meaningful educational experience to every student in safe, supportive environments that recognize each child's unique gifts. 

    Please reach out to me with any questions you may have about our work to support all students. 


    Eric Saibel
    Director Student Services