Ross Valley School District continues to focus on the health and safety of all students, staff and families. Our strategies have been developed according to guidance from Marin County Public Health, California Department of Public Health, and Marin County Schools, and updated as guidelines change, to support instruction for all students. The guidance aims at keeping students in school while also preventing the spread of disease. As the guidance evolves, this page will remain fluid and responsive to new information from local, regional, state, and federal agencies.
Illness Guidance
See the Symptoms of Illness flyer from CDPH for specific guidance for when to keep your child home from school or childcare along with this additional information. If your child has any COVID-19 symptoms, test for COVID-19 before coming to school. If the test is negative, follow the guidance in the Symptoms of Illness flyer from CDPH . If the test is positive, see MHHS COVID-19 Guidance for TK-12 Schools and notify your child' school right away. Out of consideration for the health and safety of others, especially those who may be more at risk, keep students home when truly sick.
Staying up-to-date with vaccines, hand hygiene, and masking are effective measures in mitigating the spread of communicable diseases. Visit the Vaccine Finder webpage or California Department of Public Health’s MyTurn COVID and flu vaccination website to view available clinics and schedule an appointment.
Additional Resources: