White Hill School

K-8 District in the heart of Marin

New Student Registration
Conectese con Manor
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  • School Tours

    White Hill welcomes prospective parents to tour our campus. Tours consist of classroom visits in addition to a Q and A with our administrative team. Click here to sign up.

    New Student Registration

    Looking for a school in Fairfax and/or San Anselmo?

    Welcome to Ross Valley!

    Click here
    for information about Student Registration.

Welcome to White Hill

  • White Hill Middle School (grades 6-8) is located on the western edge of Fairfax in Marin County, California. White Hill’s campus rests on 22 acres and is surrounded by beautiful hills and open space. The school was built in 1969 and serves the communities of San Anselmo and Fairfax.  

    White Hill students (approximately 745) have a variety of educational opportunities. In addition to the core academic offerings of English, History, Science, Math and Physical Education, White Hill hosts a robust elective program. Students have options in art, music, engineering and foreign language to round out their educational experience. White Hill Middle School is committed to nurturing all of the complex needs of middle school students and we do this with an emphasis on social/emotional learning through coursework, clubs, and activities.

Quick Links

  • Board of Trustees Meeting Agendas
  • Anonymous Tip Form
  • Breakfast & Lunch Program
  • Local Control Accountability Plan
  • School Accountability Report Cards
  • Cal/OSHA Covid-19 Safety Program
  • Title IX
  • Proposition 28 Report

White Hill Highlights

  •  Music News

    Music News

    Congratulations to the most recent set of outstanding music students from White Hill who have been honored by their selection to participate in regional and local honor ensembles.

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    We are thrilled to share with you our very first district video which was inspired and created by two of our RVSD parents, Nancy Main and Jennifer Gonzalez. This short film features several teachers and administrators as well as a number of students, each sharing their reflections on what makes RVSD special to them.

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  • WH Choir


    White Hill Middle School’s 7th and 8th grade choirs performed and earned top honors at the CMEA (CA Music Educators Assoc.) Choral Festival, held at the incredible Weill Hall on the campus of Sonoma State University.

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White Hill Middle School Art Department

  • At our school we're fortunate to be well supported by the YES Ross Valley Schools Foundation. In sixth grade all students participate in an enrichment wheel where they receive art twice a week for seven weeks.

    In addition, sixth graders can sign-up for a zero period art elective, Art Explorations, which is offered everyday, M-F. In seventh and eighth grades students can choose a year-long elective which meets four times per week.

    Art electives at White Hill include: Studio Art, Ceramics, Digital Art & Photography, and Graphic Design & Yearbook. White Hill's two art teachers are Doretta Ruzzier and Emma Beauchamp.

    RVSD Art Dept. Instagram


    Please visit the Ross Valley Art Instagram (@rossvalleyart) for wonderful student art from Wade Thomas, Brookside, Manor, Hidden Valley and White Hill

White Hill Newsletter