Before-school and after-school childcare is provided on our elementary campuses by the YMCA:
Provides before- and after-school programs for Brookside, Hidden Valley, Manor and Wade Thomas. Childcare begins at 7am through the start of the school day and from dismissal until 6pm. Ten students per school are required to run a TK afterschool program (for the time between TK release and Kindergarten release) and 14 students per school are required to run a morning program. For more information visit their website at or call 415-492-YMCA.
You can also contact the program at each school sites:
Brookside 415-610-1096
Hidden Valley 415-457-4465
Manor 415-456-5349
Wade Thomas 628-336-0062
In addition, students from Wade Thomas School can also attend the Robson Aftercare which is run by the Town of San Anselmo.