What to Do If You Have Concerns About Your Child

  • If you are concerned about your child's academic progress, social adjustment or emotional health, here are the steps to follow to find support and help.

    Step1: Talk with your child's teacher. She or he will help develop some immediate classroom strategies to address your concerns.

    Step 2: If these strategies do not provide a resolution to your child's needs, contact your school principal and he or she will arrange a Student Success Team (SST) meeting.

    Step 3: The SST will meet to discuss your child's needs and develop a plan to address the concern. This team includes you (the parent(s) or guardian) your child's teacher, school principal, and specialists that have expertise in the area(s) of concern.

    Step 4: The SST will reconvene within a specified amount of time (usually 6 weeks) from the date of the first meeting to make recommendations and discuss next steps.