6th Grade Ensembles - all meet as full class periods daily during 0 period
Concert Band
Concert Choir
Intermediate Orchestra7th/8th Grade Ensembles - all meet as full class periods during the school day
Advanced Orchestra
Bella Voce (girls' chorus)
Coro Forte (boys' chorus)
Symphonic Band
Auditioned Ensembles
Jazz Band - 6th-8th grade; meets daily during 00 period at 7:00am; concurrent enrollment in band, chorus, or orchestra is required
Chamber Orchestra - 6th-8th grade; meets for 20 rehearsals per year during Advisory periodChamber Choir - 7th-8th grade; meets for 10 rehearsals during Advisory period prior to spring chorus concert
6th Grade General Music Enrichment6th graders attend 18 sessions (twice a week for 9 weeks) of general music enrichment as part of the 6th grade enrichment wheel
Check out the calendar page for our upcoming events.