• whMusic

White Hill Music Course Offerings

  • 6th Grade Ensembles - all meet as full class periods daily during 0 period
    Concert Band
    Concert Choir
    Intermediate Orchestra

    7th/8th Grade Ensembles - all meet as full class periods during the school day
    Advanced Orchestra
    Bella Voce (girls' chorus)
    Coro Forte (boys' chorus)
    Symphonic Band

    Auditioned Ensembles
    Jazz Band - 6th-8th grade; meets daily during 00 period at 7:00am; concurrent enrollment in band, chorus, or orchestra is required
    Chamber Orchestra - 6th-8th grade; meets for 20 rehearsals per year during Advisory period

    Chamber Choir - 7th-8th grade; meets for 10 rehearsals during Advisory period prior to spring chorus concert

    6th Grade General Music Enrichment
    6th graders attend 18 sessions (twice a week for 9 weeks) of general music enrichment as part of the 6th grade enrichment wheel

    Check out the calendar page for our upcoming events.
    All White Hill bands, choirs and orchestras are funded by the YES Foundation. Thank you for your support!